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Friday, October 15, 2010

Is any body home in there?????

My sweetie doesn't fill well. Patsy has a head cold. And what makes matters worse, because of her blood pressure, she can not have most cold relief medicine. So I have some Icy Hot that would clean anybodies sinuses and I have been putting a little under her nose and that really helps. I have been up and down the last few nights trying to keep her fever down.
Today some friends dropped by and that was sure nice to see them. Patsy new who they were even though she didn't say much to them, they made her smile and you could tell that she was in the conversation with us. I made her some dinner tonight and after dinner I got a few words out of her. It is hard to understand how a simple word or two can really make my day, but it does. If patsy gets her brain to tell her body parts what to do, she is going to be back and i have faith that it is going to happen. Thanks for riding along!!!! RAZ


  1. Tell Patsy "hi" from Lowell and I. We hope she starts feeling better. Colds are no fun. Take care. Lil Sis.

  2. Well its about time, I thought I was going to have to come there and pop you one. I know how you feel Pat,I just got over a bad head cold, cant breath from the nose etc. Hot peppers work great, I can breathe now but cant see, they make my eyes water,haha Love and miss you both,
    Bigger lil sis, ( hahah)V

  3. I'm sorry about Patsy's cold. I'm working with Zicam; visit for $2 off Zicam Extreme Congestion Relief Nasal Gel. This might help.
