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Monday, May 16, 2011

Will she go or not??????

Is it a set back????? The speech therapist was here again today and she only has two more visits and then she needs to re-certify for and 30 days. The problem is that she has to report some definite improvement and Patsy is not talking to her enough for her to say that she is improving. So, I guess that we will be saying goodbye to the speech therapist for now, in fact I did. Patsy talks with her eyes and motions and I guess that is what we have for now.
Tonight Patsy looked like she was in pain and I asked her and she indicated that she has a headache. I have given her some Ibuprofen and I hope that helps her. I wished she could talk to me, it would make things a lot easier to help her.
I think that is the hardest problem for me. It is one thing to do all the things that i need to do to take care of her but not being able to communicate what she wants or needs and trying to guess those things is the hardest part. And it is also a little rough not having her say thanks for the things I do. So my thanks is having her look at me and give me that great smile and a sweet kiss. Those that come and see her know what I am talking about with her smile.
Sat is a ham Radio event. We will be helping the Federation for the Blind Cycle for Independence bicycle ride and patsy has always been with me. Will she be with me again this year????? Here is the good and the bad as I have always done with you all. The good is that I think she would benefit from some fresh air and some different scenery. However, I will have to figure out how to feed her without the benefits of a kitchen. And I know I will have to stop somewhere along the way and lift her out of the front seat and put her on the floor in the back so as to be able to change her. And then move her back to the front seat. Is it possible???? Can Raz do it???? What would you all do???? Is anyone making any bets????? We will see, but for now, thanks for riding along on our journey. RAZ

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