Life Quotes At

Friday, February 18, 2011

Do you think I am unhappy!!!!!!

I JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND!!!!!! Before I tell that story, let me tell you about a very special lady. Patsy!!! She has just had three of the best days in quite a long time.. She still can not say much, and I still have to feed her and change her, but I can see some improvement and that makes me very happy. Here is an update!!! We started the day with a phone call to see how Dad is doing. She said Hi Grandpa to him again. It was a little rough but she got it out. That is always a good way to start the day. I got her fed and up for the day again. It was a little quieter then the last couple of days but still a good day.
But the best part of the day was that I got her to put some noticeable pressure on her legs while moving her to the chair. I am going to get her to walk again if I have to do it all myself!!!!!
Here is the spot where I don't understand. As part of the Home Health thing, I asked for a few things. Most of the things I didn't get. They told me that I couldn't have a nurse, yet they assigned a nurse guy to her. He can not prescribe any medicines nor can he furnish any creams like diaper cream etc. He can however come by and annoy the heck out of me and check her temp and blood pressure. But if there is something wrong, he can't do anything about it. I have a blood pressure cuff and a thermometer. Why do I need him???? Oh, by the way, he didn't show up this week but I'll bet that they still bill Medicaid.
Another thing that I asked for is a tilt in space wheel chair. The recliner that I have is not a good one for her to sit in and still strengthen her trunk muscles. The Doctor even did a house call since he was in Weiser, (thanks to the woderful nurse that we had when Patsy was on Hospice). If they got the Prescription to him, he said he would sign it and they could get the ball rolling. I have heard nothing. meanwhile, Patsy is not sitting properly while she is up. They also have what is called a Roho cushion for Patsy to sit on so that she won't get a sore. The one that we are using is on loan from guess who??? That's right, Denise, Patsy's Hospice nurse. They were suppose to get me one because this one is supposed to go back to Hospice. Did they do that????
Heck no!!!!!
I asked for a speech therapist for Patsy. She came for the first time last Friday. She was here about an hour and spent most of the time getting up to speed on where Pasty was in her recovery as I call it. After about 45 minute she finally got to work on Pat and spent about 15 minutes with her and got her to say three words. I was impressed. She called a couple of days ago to see what would be a good time to meet with Patsy and I told her that in the mornings Patsy tries to talk the most. She said she would let me know. I got a phone call from her at 4:00 tonight and said that she would try to be here about 5:30. What???? I guess that is early in the morning. Holy Crapola!!!! Then she told me that she wasn't going to work on Patsy when she came tonight but that she was going to tell me how to puree food for her because last time she was here she saw me aspirate her twice.
Welllllllllll. I guess you know how that went over!! I have been feeding Patsy for almost a year now and while I am sure that I have made some mistakes, I have not killed her yet. Maybe she forgot that she wanted me to feed her some different things so that she could see how she was doing and when i gave her a small piece of chicken, Patsy didn't chew it up very good.
She was nicely asked not to come. What part about lets help Patsy do these people don't understand. Oh, but I bet they still bill Medicaid.
So the only real thing that I have gotten from Guardian Home Health is the Physical Therapist that I had to fight for to get. Her name is Monique. She does a pretty good job and between her and I, Patsy is getting a bit better with her range and motion. It isn't what I wanted for her but it is probably the best we can do at this stage. It is no wonder that Governor Otter says we need to make cuts in Medicaid and I am about to do my part to save the State. There is a gal here in Weiser that is a speech therapist who I want to have come. At least she won't be coming from Baker Or. Imagine what that must be costing. But when I asked for her in the beginning, they just ignored me. They won't now!!!!!
I know, I know!!! So are probably saying that I am a real pain the the bedsore. Probably...
But I know that this is not the way things are going to be as long as i am able to take care of my wife. The tax payers that are paying for this deserve better or I am not going to ask for the help.
So, there. You now have my book report for tonight Thanks for putting up with me and continue to ride along, RAZ

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