Life Quotes At

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

It is bedtime but here I am!!!

It is late but, I have heard from three people today that I am behind in my blogging so here I am. I have often wondered if anyone even reads the darn things because nobody ever replies any more but after today I see it is time to repent. Patsy had another good day. I really fill like we are being blessed just a bit. Her for getting a little better each day and me for having what it takes to care for her. HOLY COW!!!! I you would have told me a year ago that I had this much patience, I would have laughed big time.
I am not sure that I am doing everything right but I am sure trying. Patsy has no bedsores, I think she is now holding her own in the weight department, her range and motion continue to improve, her legs are starting to strengthen up, And most importantly, her smile keeps getting bigger and bigger. Lucile stop by today and Patsy was sure glad to see her. I wished everyone could have seen her then. Lucile is really special but, she brought soup and bread today. HOLLY PEANUT BUTTER CUP!!!! Where was the cookies. I know Patsy REALLY missed them. Just kidding of coarse.
Well, it is time to get ready for bed. Time to give me sweety a good kiss goodnight. Maybe even a hug. She really is the love of my life and I am really happy to share our journey with you. Thanks for riding along, RAZ


  1. I still read the blog ever time you write. It really helps me keep up with everything. Sounds like Mom is doing great and that brings a tear to my eye. I miss you guys a lot. And I know there are a lot of people up here that read the blog also.

  2. Hey Raz,
    I check the blog every day and really appreciate you continually keeping it up. Please tell Patsy hello. You both are in my prayers every day. I'm so glad that Patsy is doing better lately and I admire your stamina and dedication in caring for her. Hang in there... you're a very good man. I'm learning a lot from you.
    Love you both,
    Bob D.

  3. Raz,
    Your blog is the first thing I read when I turn my computer on in the mornings weither I am at work or at home. It inspires me for the day and gives me hope in humanity. Your dedication to Patsy is inspiring. I not only learn about the progress patsy is making I learn about the stength of unconditional love.
    Thank you!
