Life Quotes At

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Why is she in trouble?????

I guess I had better take a minute and do an update. I was going to last night but I had a pain pill in me for a tooth problem that I am having and my daughter told me I had better not write anything. She told me to go to bed and stay off the computer.HEHE
Sunday the sun came out and I asked Patsy if she wanted to go for a drive. She said yes so I got her dressed and loaded her in the car and away we went. We went to Manns creek reservoir and on up the road past there a bit. On the way she fell asleep and we headed back to weiser. I wasn't ready to go home yet and I figured that if she was going to sleep she could do it in the car just as easily. I went to Ridleys and bought her a pudding pack and a water and we went to the park and i fed her. She went back to sleep and I went for a drive.
When I got her home she slept the rest of the day.
Monday was bath day at the nursing home and another chance to weigh her. I was a little disappointed that she hadn't gained any but was really happy that in three weeks since the last time we weighed her, no weight loss. Holly jump for joy!!!!
Today was a great day. Kathy Berquist came by and spent some time with her. She was really happy to see her. She tried talking to her several times. It was great!!!!! She was up most of the day and I think she had a pretty good day.
She is in trouble though. Have you ever watched funniest home videos where the baby did a little number while being changed???? Yep, she did!!!! And then when I told her what she did, she laughed at me. Oh well, such is a day in my life but the journey continues and I am glad your are riding along, RAZ

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