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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Is it good or is it bad???

Most of the time I just don't know and tonight is one of those nights for me.
After a pretty good night for Pat, a early pain pill and a little breakfast, it was off to see the Doctor and Carol. That's right, both in the same day. So today was Katy's last day with us so she decided she would run mom around today and I could stay here and get some work done on the RV.
The appointment with the Doctor did not go well. I understand that Patsy may only have a short time with us if the Doctors are right but just once I would like to have him say something besides go home and get ready. The diagnosis is not confirmed because the only way to do that is to have a brain biopsy and we are not going to do that because of the danger. It is nice to have someone to go to get pain meds but his attitude is that she should not even worry about taken blood pressure pills because that may be a better way to go then the disease that she may or may not have. Pretty discouraging.
So, the next stop was a trip to Carrol. it was almost worth the money just to have the positive attitude that Carrol has. Carrol says that the treatment that we have been giving Pat to get rid of the parasites has worked, she says she is not going to leave us just yet, and now we start rebuilding. She worked on Pat today and wants to see her tomorrow. (I can't tell you how much the money some have sent has helped)
Patsy has been up all day which is very good. However, most of the day she was laughing and giggling even at things that were not funny. Kind of like she was drunk. (yes I have seen pat drunk but a long time ago) Her legs are very week and she fell again while getting ready for bed.

So, is it good or is it bad??? Depends on who you choose to believe and I surely don't have the answer. But everyday that she is with us is a good day. The doc did give another prescription for pain. i picked that up tonight, $106.00. I hope her disability money kicks in soon.
Probably sound like I am a little down tonight and I guess I am. Tomorrow I will be better, I promise. Goodnight, RAZ

P.S. Thanks Katy for coming down and letting mom and me get to know that baby a little bit. It was a good thing for mom and I know it cost you a lot of money to make the trip but we are sure glad you was able to come down.

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