Life Quotes At

Sunday, September 12, 2010

What did she say about the trains?????

I won't tell you what she said today about the trains going by. It was a word that My clean cut hands can't even write. hehe But it was good to see some emotion from her.
We woke up about 6:00 and she was talking and crying. Most people would be upset that she was crying but I loved every minute of it. And talk, talk, talk!!!!!
I was changing her and my hands were cold. She was frowning at me and I asked her if she hated me. She looked at me and quoted a sales tool I used to tell her, "Don't ever ask a question that you might receive the answer you don't want". I loved it and where did that come from??? For weeks, yes and no answers were all one could expect. That, with a smile or laugh, made for some good conversation. I got her dressed and we went to carols.
She still needed my help to get to the van but she was walking better then she has for weeks or more. Carol said Patsy is doing fine and she has a good idea that she has a handle on this problem with Patsy. We are going back tomorrow night when I get off work, she has something coming in that she thinks will help Patsy.
Thereasa and I was talking tonight and she couldn't believe what a difference mom was showing today. We don't know what is in store for Patsy but we do believe that without Carols help, Mom would not be with us today. I don't even know what my bill is and she hasn't ask for anything in a while. I try to keep the meds that she orders paid so that it doesn't cost her anything.
So, We live another day and I am thankful for that.
Patsy is looking for a dress, size 8, so that she might go to church one weekend. All of her clothes are size 14 so that won't work.
Anyway, thanks for riding along and keep those prayers coming, RAZ

1 comment:

  1. Raz,
    I believe I have a dress that would fit Patsy really well. Call me when you get a chance and we'll try to arrange a meeting.

