Life Quotes At

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Holy CRAP!

Hey everyone this is Carey again with the story from yesterday. I will warn you now, it does get a little graphic so read at your own risk.
It all started yesterday morning. Mom started out having a pretty good day for the most part she took a pain pill around 6am and went back to bed. Dad got her up later in the morning and she ate an egg and some bacon. They had to make a trip to town to do some laundry and Mom was feeling pretty good still. She sat in the front seat with Dad while they did they're errands. They stopped at Wendy's for lunch and Mom ate a little bit of salad and a Choc milkshake then they headed back to the cabin. They got about half way home when Mom started complaining that her stomach hurt. So when they got to the cabin Dad started to get her settled down and put to bed. She was saying she had to go poop so Dad went and put her on the toilet. She was trying so hard to get things out and Dad could see her start to go. So he caught her and leaned her back on the toilet and her eyes were rolled back in her head and she was groaning. Dad was splashing water on her face and trying to get her to come back but she just wouldn't. Then she started to go stiff so Dad laid her on the floor. After a while she seemed to start to come back around and said she needed to go poop. Well Dad tried to put her back on the toilet and she again passed out. so Dad out her back on the floor. She started vomiting All OVER the place. And she was still completely out of it. That's when Dad called me to see if I can drop the kids off somewhere and get my butt up there to help. He couldn't get her off the floor. I was an hour away but I hurried. When I got there Dad was sitting on the edge of the tub and Mom was just laying on the floor under a blanket with a pillow. Dad had gotten the vomit cleaned up and Mom seemed to start coming around. We were able to get her into bed where she continued to tell us she needed to poop. We kept telling her to just go in the diaper . After a bit Dad and I checked her and was changing her diaper when we noticed she had a turd hanging 1/2 out and was stuck. Mom was too weak to push it out. Well we couldn't just leave it so Dad dove in. He was cleaning her out and these turned were huge and HARD! they were about the size of doughnut holes. Dad couldn't break them to pull them out easier. It was very painful for Mom but needed to be done. He pulled out about 7 or so of these hard things, then we decided Mom needed a break. Dad knew there was at least one more in there but Mom was done. so we cleaned up and tucked her in. We gave her a sip of orange juice. We went to check on her a bit later and she started throwing up the juice. After we got that cleaned up we noticed it smelled really bad in the room. we checked her diaper and my goodness! She not only got out the last turd thing, But probably 1/2 gallon of diarea! It was a MESS. Luckily we had put a towel under her just in case her depends didn't catch if she went potty. Well this mess was So bad and Mom was still just really out of it. So Dad and I got some towels and stuff to clean her up. Dad cut the depends and took one look and started gagging, so I took the rag and went to work (Dad you owe me later) We got that mess cleaned up but it wasn't long after that she had done it again, and again, and again....The 1st 3 were the worst after that they were manageable. We had a pretty long night Dad had called Christy since she works in a nursing home and deals with this everyday. She said what may have hap pend was something called a "Vagal Response" apparently when there is that much trauma on the rectum the whole system shuts down and she has seen people die on the toilet from cardiac arrest. SO she was concerned and told Dad to taker her blood pressure, It didn't seem to be out of the norm and Mom had started to rest. She didn't know who Dad was, she actually called him Sean Hanidy (they were listening to him on the radio just before all of this) She was pretty much gone all night. Dad checked on her every 30 min and we had to change her pants several times during the night. I finally fell asleep about 3am but then we were up around 5:30 This morning Mom was trying awfully hard to come back around. She would pop in and say a word or two then go back out. I got me a bowl of cereal and walked by her bed room and she pointed at me. We figured out she wanted my cereal. so I shared it with her and she ate quite a bit and that gave us a little hope that she was starting to come around. She couldn't talk much but she was trying. Chirsty came up this morning and brought some things from the nursing home to make it easier. Then I headed home to the boys. When I left she was going in and out more often. she would come around for a min or two but then go out again for 15 min or so, then come back. Dad called me tonight and said things were about the same as when I left. They had her sitting up for a bit and she asked to go to the bathroom and was there enough she didn't want to just go in her diaper so they got her out of bed but it didn't last long before Dad noticed her starting to pass out again so they got her back to bed before she did. They were supposed to go see Carol tomorrow but Dad pushed that back another Day to give Mom some more rest. Christy is staying up there tonight to help with Dad and He said Thereasa was probably going to go up tomorrow night.
So anyway that's the story, It was pretty rough and is still touch and go. But we think all of the trauma was caused from her trying so hard to go poop. Well Dad got the flood gates open and they're still open (kind of reminds me of the oil well in the gulf ha ha) But at least she isn't complaining her tummy hurting.

Anyway sorry it was a long post but we said we would up date the good and the bad. Well this was definitely some of the bad. Keep us in your prayers. I will let you know more as I know it.

1 comment:

  1. We think of you Daily Aunt Pat. We hope you feel better soon. You are in our prayers.

    Crystal and David (GANG)
