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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

I am back

My turn!!! Thanks to the kids for keeping you up to date a bit. So here is the real deal as they say.
Carol has told us that she believes that Patsy is on the mend. She believes that the parasites and virus that caused the brain problems is gone. She believes, if I understand her correctly, that there is damage that will have to heal, but that process is yet to come.
Aluminum poisoning now seems to be the big problem that she is dealing with. Patsy had an issue with it a while back and we thought we had cleared it up. It appears to be back. The biggest problem is that our home is wrapped in it. That is why we are not living in the rv right now. Carol said to get out of the rv for a while and to get rid of everything that has aluminum in it. Toothpaste, deodorant, and even cookware have a lot of aluminum in them. HOLY SMELLY !!! So Carol has Patsy on an aluminum cleaner again. this is a twelve day process and we go back for evaluation to see where we are at.
So, back to our home. As you all know, when we moved in the bus, it wasn't finished. I now think that I added to Patsys problem by doing that. We got the living room done but when we got moved in, the bedroom was not done. We stripped away all the aluminum that was inside but I didn't get the insulation and paneling up in the back part of the bus. Patsy lived back there because she didn't feel good. She would lay back there with the aluminum ceiling exposed and when the heat would beat on the outside, I think it got bad. Add the fact that we had no windows in the back, it was hard to get any venting of the aluminum and that could have been a big factor. So we have moved out of the rv and we are trying to clear Patsy of the aluminum. We will be doing some camping and radio events and staying at Dads cabin until we get back from Ride Idaho. That will be in the middle of August. We also have insulated the back of the rv and put the bedroom windows in. We also have a new plan to wrap the inside with another layer of paneling and sealant.
Bottom line??? I have a wife that has a bunch wrong with her, I am unable to work because I need to be here for her, and now I appear to be homeless and I don't think we can rent a house on $671.00 per month.
Best case scenario!!! Patsy will get rid of the aluminum, the damage in her head will begin to heal, we will be able to get the rv under control so that it doesn't affect her, and we will continue with our dream.
Worst case ???? All of this is wishful thinking.
So how is Patsy tonight. I think better. Symptoms of aluminum poising are chronic pain. In my mind, that is her number one problem now. I always wondered why she was always having such bad pain when CJD disease never talked about the pain much. Norco takes care of the pain most of the time but makes her wacko. I think she is eating better, she is up more, and her mind seems to be better when not screwed up by the meds. Today, she got dressed and sat up front with me on our way back from silver creek. It was wonderful. Some articles that I have read about the aluminum, say that getting rid of it might effect things. I hope that is where we are right now.
The one thing that has gotten bad is that she has lost a little bit of body function when it comes to going to the bathroom. Thank goodness for Depends. But again, I blame some of that on the norco and some on the fact that we were in the mountains and it was darn cold the last couple of nights.
Holy holdit. If I had a Depends on, I probably would have stayed in bed too.
I have learned to take it one day at a time and you all should know that we are fine and dealing with what ever comes. Keep up the prayers, RAZ

P.S. She loves her puppy. Another test of my love for her??????

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