Life Quotes At

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Well followers, here is what is happening today. Nothing but good news!!!!! Patsy had fried eggs and ham and a banana for breakfast and yes, I fed her with a spoon. Not all of the banana and only a little bit of the ham but a definite step in the right direction. Everyday since I started her on the meds from Denver she has showed us a little bit of improvement. You might not see it unless you are with her 24/7 but it is there. The nurse can't even believe the difference.
Her movement in her arms has increased and we think we have seen her move her legs a bit. She is answering more questions and is laughing at some of the things the kids and I say to her. It is going to be a long road back but I think she is on that road.
So here is my problem. I have put a lot of faith in Carol and now the people she is working with in Denver. They say that she doesn't have CJD disease. The meds they have her on seem to be working. But, the amount of medicine they want her to take is unbelievable. I give her 15 drops out of 10 bottles three time a day. The bottles are 2 oz bottles. They list that she should take 4 mega bottles of each item and there are 8 2 oz bottles to a mega bottle. The mega bottles are 50.00 a piece and I ordered 10 yesterday. I want to see what happens before I order the next round. According to the amount that they are suggesting, it will cost me about $2000.00 just for the first series. There are two more series.
Thanks to the people that have been helping lately and with the help from Patsy SSI money, I have enough money to pay for the first round. I need to go see Carol this week and she will dose Patsy through me and decide how much we can increase the amount she in taking daily.
I know, some of you are saying HOLY WITCHCRAFT!!!! And I sometimes have asked myself the same thing but, she is getting better and the Doctors all say she shouldn't be. The nurse says it is working or at least something is.
So, everytime she give me a kiss or tries to talk, it make me feel like I should continue to believe and so I will.
I just told her the bath lady would be here soon and asked her if she wanted a bath today. HEHEHE The answer was a definite NO!!!!
Thanks again for riding along with us on our journey, RAZ

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