Life Quotes At

Friday, July 8, 2011

The Love that they Share

So as Dad mentioned I got a box of Genealogy from him so I can continue doing the work Mom started. I got home and started to unload the car and I looked in a box. I found this picture right on top of the stack. I call Dad to tell him I think he needed to have it back and I read him what was on the back. I will admit, it made more than just him cry. It says
"Dear Lynn,
Well, here we are all "growed up" Wow!! what a scary situation to be in. The years have gone fast-almost too fast to even comprehend.
My life has been so much fuller these past few months. You've added a lot to that empty spot found in every single girl's heart. You've filled it like no one else ever could and I want to thank you for it.
From here, the future looks bright and rewarding!! Let's keep in the right direction and we can make anything and everything work. (Especially if God is on our side) As the song goes, "Id like to make it with you." I love you, Pat"

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