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Sunday, June 20, 2010

I love Raccoons

Happy Fathers day to all the fathers that might be reading this today.The raccoon and I had a pretty good day. The last picture of her is not a true visual as to what she looked like after the blood settled around Pats eyes. Today the swelling is down but the area around her eyes is bigger. Now the greens and yellow colors are setting in. She really looks scary. I have a pic from today, I might put it on here.
Patsy has had a couple of good days. In fact, every since she fell and screwed up her face, she has been doing very good. She has been eating good and talking good and it has been very refreshing.

We went to the family reunion and Patsy had a wonderful time. It was great seeing the family. They have been a big help and a lot of support. Patsy told me a week ago that it would be fun to have a T-short that said "I am still alive" so I got her one and she wore it to the reunion. Her pain has been a lot better and Carol says she is working on the charlie horses Pat has been having in her legs. She did not have any today that I know of. She has not had to take hardly any pain pills for three days now. I think that is wonderful.

I just helped her clean up a bit and got her to bed. She didn't ask for any pills but the night is still young.

So basically, not much to report. All the news is pretty good for the last couple of days and Carol is pretty convinced that better days are ahead.!!!! We continue to hold on to that news. Okay, let me get out of here and see if I can put some pics on here. See ya, raz

1 comment:

  1. So what am I suppose to write about today. I'm sure that Lynn was on his best behavior since it was Father's Day. He had to be on guard because he wasn't sure who would be dropping by throughout the day.

    I do hope all the Fathers out there had a wonderful relaxing day. Hopefully the better halves let their men handle the remote.

    Say What, Dad?
    Our Gen-X daughter, Cristie, made my husband a Father's Day card entitled "Things My Dad Would Never Say." Such as:

    "Can you turn up that music?"

    "Go ahead and take my truck. Here's 50 bucks for gas."

    "I LOVE your tattoo. We should both get new ones."

    "Here, you take the remote."
    Miracles do happen.
