Life Quotes At

Friday, June 18, 2010

If you tell me no one more time!!!!!

Wow. When she does something, she does it up right. Do you think she finally learned that she needs to ask for help??? We'll see. But hey, after the big crash, she seemed to have a really good day. The only pain pills that she has had is some excedrin for the pain on her face. I think Dad used to tell me that he could make the pain in one part of my body disappear by hurting another part of my body. Only time I disagreed with him was when he hit me in a private part with an ice ball. I don't think there was any part of my body that he could have hurt worse.
Okay, okay, back to Pat. She ate more food today then any day in the past 2 weeks. Thereasa came in and help with Mom. After she crashed, I got her up and she still needed to use the toilet. Trouble was, while sitting on the pot, I could see that she was about to pass out on me. I grabbed her just in time. She was out of here. I was able to pick her up and put her in bed and she came back pretty fast. Thereasa came over and helped me get the blood cleaned up and get an ice pack (ok, bag of frozen corn) on her. After getting her cleaned up and back to life a bit, I cooked her breakfast and she wanted to stay in bed and she wanted me to feed her. I had cooked enough for both of us and was glad to see Thereasa come back. She said she would feed mom and I could eat while the food was hot. They sat back in the bedroom and talked and laughed while mom ate her breakfast. She ate everything and that was great.

Then for lunch, she told me she wanted a bologna sandwich with tomatoes so I gave her one. She had some rice cakes and a few chips and a peanut butter bar. I was sure glad she was eating.

After lunch, we took her next door for a hot bath. She did really good, but her legs just don't work and I really have to almost carry her to the house.

So, we are sitting here watching tv and Jenni brought over some roses from her bushes at her house. They are talking while I write this note.

Patsy says she wishes I would not make her go to the family get together tomorrow because she looks so bad. I think she will go.

OK enough for now. RAZ

1 comment:

  1. I remember those beatings that dad gave to you with the razor strap. I mean you would scream and cry. Boy I would have loved to see those bruises...not! Come on you can tell the truth. Mom thought that you needed a whooping so you and dad faked everyone out. You did a really good job doing that. Now everyone knows your least one of them.

    Joke! Joke! Joke!
    Little Johnny wasn't getting good marks in school. One day he surprised the teacher with an announcement.

    He tapped her on the shoulder and said, "I don't want to scare you, but my daddy says if I don't start getting better grades...somebody is going to get a spanking!"

    And there you go.
