Life Quotes At

Monday, June 14, 2010

She will kill me when she sees this pic on the blog!!!

I told you I would share the good and the bad. One of these pictures is of Patsys back after a fall Sunday morning.. She has fallen several times but this one was probably the worst one yet. She cried but when I asked her if she was okay, she told me she was just Damn Mad!!!! Remember though, she did go to church and led the choir after this fall.
The other picture we took on the ride we went on last week. I thought it was pretty cool and thought you might enjoy it, Pat did.
I tried putting myself in Pats shoes to understand how she is feeling. Imagine with me if you will, after over 50 years of doing what you want when you want, waking up to realize that you can no longer even go to the bathroom with out some help. No more playing the piano or organ. No more taking girls on hikes in the mountains. Forget trying to bake a cake or cook a meal or cookies for that dang RAZ. Even something that is as simple as typing an email to thank people for their help is out of the question A mother that did her best to raise 7 children now having to be helped into and out of bed.
Pretty rough!! She knows that I have been put in a position that is not exactly a cake walk, but I have tried to make her understand that I would not have it any other way.
But she has been having some good days and we stay optimistic.
So what did Carol say???? Well I don't have a clue. She does her thing and talks to Pat (no, not the physical Pat but the other one) . Don't ask and I won't try to explain it to you. She tells us that Pat is getting better and Pat and I just happen to believe her. The clock has been running for some time now and other then her legs still not working right, there are some signs that things are improving or at least holding their own. Pat and I are of course a little impatient but Carol says to just hang in there.
So, the Leavitt family reunion is next week and we are hoping to go and see everyone. Davalee is pretty happy this year because she knows Raz doesn't have much money so I won't be able to outbid her on items this year.
HOLLY POTLUCKARONI!!!!!!!!! I just realized that we are supposed to bring a potluck dish. Now what am I going to do???? What is a potluck dish and how do I make it. Help me Patsy!!!
Well, I had better close and go find that darn cookbook that Davalee keeps growling about and see what I can come up with. Keep up those prayers. Pat and I really need them. RAZ


  1. Dang that's a whopper and I bet it really hurts. It is very frustrating when you've been so independent and now instead of helping others you are on the receiving end. Pat I can completely understand.

    So Lynn you are a typical guy. Do you not listen, rrr I mean read, what your children say? Your daughter mentioned in a comment that she actually got the cook book for Christmas. Looks like you are going to have to look on the internet. Does it have to be from scratch or can it come out of a box? I think it should be from scratch. Okay, I found something for you to make and I think that it fits you perrrrfectly. Let me know if i need to come over and help you make it



    On a recent visit to our veterinarian to get shots for our cat I found this recipe on the waiting room bulletin board. After recovering from hysterical laughter, I obtained a copy from the office staff so that my wife could make it, which she refused to do. I took it to work and gave the recipe to a lady at work who loves cats. The pictures below show the results of her work. It doesn't look very nice, but it's actually quite tasty, so I decided to pass it along.

    1 box spice or German chocolate cake mix
    1 box of white cake mix
    1 package white sandwich cookies
    1 large package vanilla instant pudding mix
    A few drops green food coloring
    12 small Tootsie Rolls or equivalent

    1 NEW cat-litter box
    1 NEW cat-litter box liner
    1 NEW pooper scooper

    1) Prepare and bake cake mixes, according to directions, in any size pan. Prepare pudding and chill. Crumble cookies in small batches in blender or food processor. Add a few drops of green food coloring to 1 cup of cookie crumbs. Mix with a fork or shake in a jar. Set aside.

    2) When cakes are at room temperature, crumble them into a large bowl. Toss with half of the remaining cookie crumbs and enough pudding to make the mixture moist but not soggy. Place liner in litter box and pour in mixture.

    3) Unwrap 3 Tootsie Rolls and heat in a microwave until soft and pliable. Shape
    the blunt ends into slightly curved points. Repeat with three more rolls. Bury the rolls decoratively in the cake mixture. Sprinkle remaining white cookie crumbs over the mixture, then scatter green crumbs lightly over top.

    4) Heat 5 more Tootsie Rolls until almost melted. Scrape them on top of the cake and sprinkle with crumbs from the litter box. Heat the remaining Tootsie Roll until pliable and hang it over the edge of the box. Place box on a sheet of newspaper and serve with scooper. Enjoy!

    "Kitty Litter Cake"
    So there you go.

  2. LOL...Auntie "V" I've actually seen that. It's sooooo funny. it looks gross. And Dad, I got out of the potluck dish. I told them since I was just rolling into town I wont have one. if they made me I wouldn't come ha ha. I wish Mom would just quit, but I know it's not in her to just sit aside and watch the work be done. =( WHen I was at Girls camp last week, all I thought about was the fun times Mom and I had on our hikes and camping. And I will tell you what...compared to back then and what the girls do now...WE had it rough lol. Love you MOm and Dad..I will see you on SAT! (be prepared to help unload the truck after the reunion ;) ha ha)
